Te reo māori Waiata Sessions for under 5s

Teaching waiata in te reo māori
Teaching and learning music in te reo māori relates to the bicu ltural framing
of Te Whāriki and the vision that all tamariki will grow up str ong in their identity
language and culture.

What is music and movement in early childhood?
Children naturally love music. Whether it’s soft, lively or a s oothing tune, children
feel it both physically and emotionally. Children are learning new things with their
bodies. Also learning to communicate messages and represent actions.

How do children learn through movement?
Encouraging free movement can give children space to develop se lf-awareness,
learn non-verbal ways of communicating and to get to know thems elves and
their body. Children learn range of balance, co-ordination, end urance, motion
and muscle strength.

Why is it important in a child’s development?
Exposing children to music can improve ability to learn. Music and movement
instructions improve memory, cognitive development, learning sk ills and
expressive skills, such as turn taking and co-operation.

Link to te whāriki - belonging and contribution
Children discover that music, dance and drama can amuse, deligh t, comfort,
illuminate, inform and give excitement. Encourages children to participate with
their peers and feel comfortable in their environment.

Ako Teach is based in Wellington, New Zealand, we also have onl ine session.

Our popular Waiata
Sessions teaching under 5’s
and parents/guardian
te reo māori – through
lots of fun activities
and music!
Check out our facebook
page for live recordings.