Ako Teach Is all about learning te reo māori.
Our Waiata Sessions teach your child/children (under 5’s) and parents/guardians the basics in te reo māori – with and alongside each other. This increases confidence with te reo māori and is key to nurturing the language in our children.

Learn how to use poi and rakau while participating in music and dance. Come on a journey listening to māori legend storytelling, learn the colours, how to count, learn the days of the week in te reo māori, and much more…


Ako Teach runs te reo sessions for adults, students and school children, with flexible/mobile locations, find out more here...

We are also bringing te reo māori and our other servies to early childhood centres, libraries, and via webinar teaching.
Find out more...

Nau mai Haere mai.
Come join in the fun!

"I have been enjoying learning te reo with Ri. She makes learning fun and manageable. She is enthusiastic, and innovative. With the use of music and games she brings the language and culture alive.... She leads with aroha."


Our popular Waiata
Sessions teaching under 5’s
and parents/guardian
te reo māori – through
lots of fun activities
and music!
Check out our facebook
page for live recordings.


Ko Ngati Rangi me Ngāti porou ōku iwi
Ko mangamingi me pokai ōku Marae.
Ko Ruapehu me Hikurangi ōku maunga
Ko Aotea me Horouta ōku waka
Ko wanganui me waiapu ōku awa
Nō Tikapa me Raetihi ōku whenua
Ngā mihi nui Kia koutou katoa

Ko Ri Haenga-Hailwood tōku ingoa, I'm a qualified and experienced early childhood educator, treasurer of Te kōhanga reo ō Horouta, an adult student studying tikanga and kaupapa māori at whitireia, a kaiako tutoring both adults and children in te reo māori, a Mama of an adorable 3 year old boy & wifie.

As a music and movement coordinator, I develop and lead classes which are designed to improve both gross motor skills, and listening skills of young children. te reo māori waiata sessions will allow children to learn about rhythm, beat, melody and tempo. Through waiata, basic concepts such as numbers, parts of the body, and colours are explored. Also interacting with their peers means that children are encouraged to express their creativity, and build their self-esteem, as well as participating in and to be part of their local community.

He waka eke noa.
We're all in this together